Principle 1- Passion for the Work
“Passion” acts as a catalyst in your work completion. Normally, we find people who are performing their routine tasks without any perfection and innovation in their work. Probable reason must be that one doesn’t have passion for work; due to which complete utilization of ones own skills and talent remains hidden.
Passion or Zeal brings the extraordinary energy and enthusiasm into ones working style which improves the Quality of work and results are more demanding. It is a mandatory trait of the modern competing world.
Principle 2- Plan and Hard Work
Success is not an easy way. It requires hard work ship. One needs to work hard starting from planning till execution. It is important to first plan systematically and then starts working towards target. Means, there are numerous hidden challenges on the way which needs to be identified prior during planning which will make the journey easy and more clear. Remember “No Pain No Gain”. People who succeed had borne the pain to get that title.
Principle 3- Targeted Focus
In this competitive world, your focus can be distracted very easily from your target. There are multiple intrinsic and extrinsic factors which influences the focus during the work. One needs to realign himself continuously and cautiously. If you are diverted from your track, it may result in failure. Targeted focus will direct your energy onto the roadmap.
Principle 4- Persistence
Persistence is your faith in yourself. It is not necessary that you must achieve your target in first attempt itself. Failure is the key to success! ( Efforts should be consistent and persistent. Just remember the invention of electric bulb. It is important you don’t quit in the middle of the journey. A sudden small collapse or dissatisfaction or disappointment is obvious and this should not be the reasons to quit.
Principle 5- Ideas and Improvements
Always keep your mind open! Be open to accept the ideas and Improvements. Always remember, you are not perfect and you need to improve and learn every moment. When you stop accepting ideas from surrounding, you stop self improvements. There are multiple ways to get ideas. Listen, observe and ask people to get ideas and suggestions.
Principle 6- Push yourself
Don’t stop your journey due to small problems or hindrances like physical, mental, technical, financial etc. You need to push yourself from all aspects. This means you require continuous source of Inspiration”. Inspiration will push you through the troubles or doubts which will later on double your courage to success through hard experience.
Principle 7 Serve for a cause not for monetary benefits!
Serve as a professional with some personal cause. Only money is not the source of motivation. Motivation comes when you start serving people other than earning money only. Motivation is required for mental stability of a person and money can give only short term inspiration to one. But when one put some personal cause into his service it becomes a permanent source of energy and inspiration.
Remember people also fail after succeeding. Reason is that journey to success is a cyclic process not a onetime straight path. One needs to keeps on following these principles in a continuous cyclic manner.
Principle 8 Its is a cyclic process
Remember people also fail after succeeding. Reason is that journey to success is a cyclic process not a onetime straight path. One needs to keeps on following these principles in a continuous cyclic manner.
This articles has been published by Raman Mehta